The Birth of AM

Obedience vs Disobedience

May 2020, God gave me a brand named, "Amour Mili" which in my mind at the time was solely a perfume brand. I went through the process of getting the logo, label, samples, bottles and all but I changed the name to "Mili Amour". Nothing moved. God spoke and said "You took what I gave you and made it your own." This is now two years later and the Holy Spirit is reminding me of what was first spoken, Amour Mili. After finally listening and being obedient, God said to release an anointing oil before the perfume. Here we are! When God gives you instruction, to a T, follow it. When you try to add, take away or in my case rearrange what God said, the instructions are distorted and disobedience is rearing its head. Trust in Him. Trust what He has said. It is only He who is unfailing, infallible, always true.